Setup: the first fundamental step

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The setup

anylease is ultra-customisable

When deciding to switch to anylease, the setup is the first fundamental step to benefit from this SaaS solution for managing finance contracts.

anylease has been designed to be customisable to your business, your products, the financing services you want to offer, your offer itself. anylease is also customisable to your organisation, your distribution model, users, their roles and rights.

Setup, the first step to switching to anylease

As you can see, anylease is, in terms of personalisation, absolute freedom (or at least the freedom we aim for). But as always, freedom has to be built. So the first step, which we call setup , is a support phase to finalise the understanding of your needs, make your choices and integrate your own elements.

In a few workshops (which are fairly fast-paced) , the aim is to work on :

- Your business repository

- Your service reference
LLD, LOA, financial leasing, subscription, credit...
Benefits and services

- Your product reference
The catalogue (makes, models, versions, tariffs, prices, discounts, rebates, residual or future values)
The options
The ancillary services
The inclusions, exclusions, obligations
The descriptions
The energy parameters
The rules of use (km, cycles, consumables, etc.)
The elements and parameters of taxation

- Your third party repository (customers, suppliers, partners)
Payments and conditions
Means and preferences of contacts
Conventions (essential subject for the implementation of anylease).

We will then work on the customisation of the screens because your expectations are not necessarily the same as those of your colleagues. Then we will work on the desktop publishing and the processes of your leaser offer(documents, offers, contracts, invoices, amendments, deliveries, etc.) and theaccounting extraction elements.

The management of rights and roles will finalise our intervention and allow you to use your new leasing management ERP in complete security.

As for the processing of data feedback or Bi (Business Intelligence) we will offer you your first dynamic dashboards after a few weeks of activity to offer you a more relevant customer experience.

Throughout these workshops, as in everyday life, you will be able to count on our leasing expertise to support you as effectively as possible and facilitate the development of your business.

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